Thursday, January 22, 2009

Simple Pleasures Thursday ~ Reading~

My simple pleasures for today is READING.

Getting lost in a book is just sew wonderful.

My taste in books has a vast range. I loved all of Harry Potter's adventures. And yet, The Shack by William P. Young moved me to my very soul, a story of one's quest for finding God in a sea of pain.

Today I finished Twilight, by Stephenie Meyer. A book I wasn't sure I could get my head around, let alone my eyes. Alright, I am rather late to jump on this literary band wagon, after sew much fuss about it. My daughter-in-law convinced me that I would enjoy it, so on my last visit to Wallymart it stared at me and drew me in. For $5.95, if I detested it, I could just give it away without remorse or thought. did not detest it. In fact, I became "bitten" by this powerful love story of two teenagers that are on a quest to be together no matter what dangers they face. I cannot wait to get to the store and get New Moon, the next book in the series. Lucky for me I still have a Borders gift card from my birthday.

And, yes, me, a grandmother of two can actually relate to young love having married my high school sweetheart, McStevie. We were very much in love when he was selected for the AFS program and would spend his summer in France at the end of his junior year. I was excited that he would have adventures I couldn't imagine in my little hometown world, but crushed that we had "found each other" and now he would go off and forget about me entirely. Find some french sweetheart and forever be gone. Well, of course, all of that is history, but one doesn't forget the heartache of being apart from the one you love. Mind you, it does not compare to the vampire world (smirk, smirk, how would I know?), but I just need to illustrate while now in my 50's, I still have those young memories.

So, my point today is I am thankful to have eyesight, (allbeit aging) to enjoy curling up with a book and getting lost in the mere wonderment, the mere joy, the mere pain, or whatever the author has decided you should feel. And then again, thankful to be alive and be able to feel those emotions.

Pick up a book today and get lost. Better yet, share with me your thoughts. Which book makes you giddy.....sad....thoughtful?

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